dress code(x)

PHOTO CKItamura - Behavior IMG_0482 small.jpg

dress codex (2015)

Explore pockets of memory, beneath the layers of lessons learned, find yourself. Memories of diverse encounters with women encapsulated in dress forms made of paper.

A afternoon spent chatting over tea with two women: an elderly French doctor who after spending a lifetime helping those less fortunate, wants to die now that she is crippled and can no longer climb mountains and lead the active life she loved; and an art patron who fell on hard times and now lives in her van struggling each day to find a place to park the van overnight each night and a place to take a shower each day.

My grandmother who always hung laundry outside on a line between two lichee trees on sunny days and in the garage between two support beams on rainy days.

Watching on television, many years ago, a famous 45 year-old singer performing in a leather mini-skirt during a live concert.

Walking through a shopping mall and being inundated by signs of a [fashion] industry that profits heavily off of women through the use of heavy doses of psychological manipulation.

A friend’s wife who is grappling with the her own diverse spectrum of behavior patterns and her ability (or inability) to deal with the onset of her husband’s debilitating and potentially life threatening illness.


Solo exhibition


The Spinster Sisters, Santa Rosa, California


Spring 2015

Thank You

Giovanni Cerrone, Serena Hazard, Lyn Dillin, Steve Dillin